The draft minutes of the recent parish council meeting held on 7th October are now available
Category: Archive News
Planning meeting minutes
The minutes of the recent planning sub-committee meeting are now available
Agendas for next Monday’s meetings are now available
The agendas for next Monday's, 7th October, open spaces sub-committee and full council meeting are now available here:
ROAD CLOSURE – Shophouse Lane
Surrey County Council have announced a road closure to take place on Shophouse Lane, Farley Green:
Road closed
3rd October
For 3 days
8am to 5pm
Draft minutes of the September full council meeting
The draft minutes of the September meeting of the full council are available now:
Next planning meeting
The next meeting of the planning committee will be on 23rd September, 2024. The agenda for this meeting is below.
September Parish Council Meeting
The September Parish council meeting will take place on Monday 2nd September at 19:30 in the Albury Memorial Library. Members of the parish are welcome to attend the start of the meeting if they have matters they would like to raise.
A copy of the agenda may be found here.
Road Closures in Albury
We are aware that SCC Highways are proposing to close the Street between Water Lane and Weston Yard between 9-12 July, subject to weather conditions in order to top dress the surface. They aim to minimise the disruption but the road will still be closed for approx 2 hours at a time. We are working with our County Councillor Bob Hughes and SCC Highways to obtain more information and achieve scheduling of the works that will cause the least disruption to access for local residents including information regarding buses. We will provide updates as soon as we have them.
Minutes from the May and June Full Council Meetings are now available
Neighbourhood Plan Deadline Approaches
A reminder that the deadline for commenting on the Album Parish Neighbourhood Plan is the 30th June. If you haven't done so already please feel free to review the plan at